Classes | Typedefs | Functions

base Namespace Reference

Base library classes (Files&Directories/Networking/Threading/Exception handling/...). More...


class  AutoPtr
 Pointer that deletes the owned object when going out of scope. More...
class  ByteStream
 Stream of bytes from one thread to another. More...
struct  CharTraits
 character traits More...
struct  CharTraits< void >
 character traits for data type char More...
struct  CharTraits< char >
 character traits for data type char More...
struct  CharTraits< wchar_t >
 character traits for data type wchar_t More...
class  CommandLine
 For parsing command line options, equivalent to UNIX getopt() function. More...
class  Condition
 A condition variable. More...
class  Config
 Configuration class. More...
class  ConfigException
 Configuration exception. More...
class  CPU
 Test for CPU features. More...
class  Daemon
 Generic Daemon class. More...
class  DateTime
 A class that holds a date and time. More...
class  Dir
 Directory functions (create, delete, read). More...
class  DNS
 DNS resolver library. More...
class  DynamicArray
 A dynamic array especially for simple types and pointers. More...
class  DynamicLibrary
 Working with dynamic libraries, mostly resolving symbols. More...
class  Environment
 Getting and setting environment variables. More...
class  Exception
 Base exception. More...
class  FileBase
 Base File I/O (open, close, read, write chown, chmod, unlink ...). More...
class  FileT
 Template File functions. More...
class  Global
 Global definitions. More...
struct  IntTraits
 integer traits More...
struct  IntTraits< char >
 integer traits for data type char More...
struct  IntTraits< unsigned char >
 integer traits for data type unsigned char More...
struct  IntTraits< short >
 integer traits for data type short More...
struct  IntTraits< unsigned short >
 integer traits for data type unsigned short More...
struct  IntTraits< int >
 integer traits for data type int More...
struct  IntTraits< unsigned int >
 integer traits for data type unsigned int More...
struct  IntTraits< long >
 integer traits for data type long More...
struct  IntTraits< unsigned long >
 integer traits for data type unsigned long More...
struct  IntTraits< longlong_t >
 integer traits for data type longlong_t More...
struct  IntTraits< u_longlong_t >
 integer traits for data type u_longlong_t More...
class  IOException
 Input/Output exception. More...
class  Log
 Log class. More...
class  MD5
 Contains methods for MD5-hashing from given input data. More...
class  MemFile
 A data store that keeps data in memory up to a certain limit, and switches to a temporary file if the limit is exceeded. More...
class  MemoryMappedFile
 Memory-mapping files. More...
class  MIME
 MIME encoding and decoding functions. More...
class  MTSocketDaemon
 Multi-threaded socket daemon class. More...
class  Mutex
 A mutex variable. More...
class  Pipe
 Anonymous pipe for inter-process communication. More...
class  Process
 Creating processes and executing programs. More...
class  Profiling
 A profiling class that lets you save execution count and times for several tasks. More...
class  Random
 A class that generates random numbers. More...
class  Regex
 Regular expressions. More...
class  SharedLock
 Shared lock, allows multiple readers but only one writer at a time. More...
class  SharedMemory
 A class for operation on a (one) shared memory segment. More...
class  Signal
 Global signal handling. More...
struct  SizeTraits
 size traits More...
struct  SizeTraits< size_t >
 size traits for datatype size_t More...
struct  SizeTraits< u_longlong_t >
 size traits for datatype unsigned long long More...
class  Socket
 A socket class for TCP/IP sockets. More...
class  StatBase
 Provides information about a directory entry. More...
class  StatT
 stat template for files (up to 4 GB) and large files (larger than 4 GB) More...
class  STEventDaemon
 Single-threaded event driven daemon class. More...
class  StringT
 A thread-safe string class. More...
class  SynchronizedSharedMemory
 A class for synchronized operation on a (one) shared memory segment. More...
class  Thread
 A thread class. More...
class  ThreadList
 A list of threads. More...
class  Timer
 A timer class that can be used to get high resolution time values and measure execution times. More...
class  Unicode
 Unicode conversion functions. More...
class  URI
 URI helper functions. More...
class  UTF8String
 helper functions for utf8-encoded strings More...
class  WildcardT
 File name matching by wildcard. More...
class  WorkerThread
 Worker thread for multi-threaded socket daemons. More...
class  WorkPile
 An FIFO workpile queue. More...
class  XML
 XML helper functions. More...


typedef FileT< size_t > File
 file up to 4 GB
typedef FileT< u_longlong_tLFile
 file that can be larger than 4 GB
typedef long long longlong_t
 data type for 64 bit signed integers
typedef unsigned long long u_longlong_t
 data type for 64 bit unsigned integers
typedef StatT< size_t > Stat
 stat for files up to 4 GB
typedef StatT< u_longlong_tLStat
 stat for files that can be larger than 4 GB
typedef StringT< char > String
 char string
typedef StringT< wchar_t > WString
 wchar_t string
typedef WildcardT< char > Wildcard
 char wildcard
typedef WildcardT< wchar_t > WWildcard
 wchar_t wildcard


PPBASE_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Exception &ex)
 Writes an exception to an output stream.
template<class charT , class traits , class T >
StringT< charT, traits > operator+ (const StringT< charT, traits > &s, T t)
 concatenation operator
template<class streamT , class charT , class traits >
streamT & operator<< (streamT &out, const StringT< charT, traits > &s)
 stream input operator
template<class streamT , class charT , class traits >
streamT & operator>> (streamT &in, StringT< charT, traits > &s)
 stream output operator
template<class charT , class intT >
size_t uinttostr (intT i, charT *str, size_t size, unsigned char nbase=10, charT ca=CharTraits< charT >::chA)
 Convert an unsigned integer type to string.
template<class charT , class intT >
StringT< charT > uinttostr (intT i, unsigned char nbase=10, charT ca=CharTraits< charT >::chA)
 convert an unsigned integer type to string
template<class charT , class intT >
size_t inttostr (intT i, charT *str, size_t size, unsigned char nbase=10, charT ca=CharTraits< charT >::chA)
 Convert a signed integer type to string.
template<class charT , class intT >
StringT< charT > inttostr (intT i, unsigned char nbase=10, charT ca=CharTraits< charT >::chA)
 convert a signed integer type to string
template<class charT , class intT >
bool strtoint (const charT *str, intT *rint, int nbase=0, const charT **rpos=NULL)
 convert string to integer type
template<class charT , class intT >
bool strtoint (const StringT< charT > &str, intT *rint, int nbase=0, const charT **rpos=NULL)
 convert string to integer type

Detailed Description

Base library classes (Files&Directories/Networking/Threading/Exception handling/...).

Function Documentation

template<class charT , class intT >
size_t base::inttostr ( intT  i,
charT *  str,
size_t  size,
unsigned char  nbase = 10,
charT  ca = CharTraits<charT>::chA 

Convert a signed integer type to string.

See also:

References uinttostr().

Referenced by inttostr().

PPBASE_EXPORT std::ostream& base::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Exception &  ex 

Writes an exception to an output stream.

out the output stream
ex the exception
the output stream
template<class charT , class intT >
size_t base::uinttostr ( intT  i,
charT *  str,
size_t  size,
unsigned char  nbase = 10,
charT  ca = CharTraits<charT>::chA 

Convert an unsigned integer type to string.

This function tries to add a terminating null character (if the size allows). If this function returns size, the buffer was too small. In this chase a null character has not been added and the resulting number is invalid.

i the unsigned integer type to convert
str string to write to
size capacity of string in characters
nbase numeric base (2 to 36: 2=binary, 8=octal, 10=decimal, 16=hexadecimal, ...)
ca alphabetic start character for digit values greater than 9
number of characters written to str, not including the terminating null character

Referenced by inttostr(), and uinttostr().