base::AutoPtr< T > | Pointer that deletes the owned object when going out of scope |
base::ByteStream | Stream of bytes from one thread to another |
base_cgi::CGI | Cgi server class |
base_cgi::CGIFast | Fast cgi server class |
base_cgi::CGIFile | An attached file in an html form |
base_cgi::CGIStd | Standard cgi server class |
base::CharTraits< charT > | Character traits |
base::CharTraits< char > | Character traits for data type char |
base::CharTraits< void > | Character traits for data type char |
base::CharTraits< wchar_t > | Character traits for data type wchar_t |
base::CommandLine | For parsing command line options, equivalent to UNIX getopt() function |
base::Condition | A condition variable |
base::Config | Configuration class |
base::ConfigException | Configuration exception |
base::CPU | Test for CPU features |
base_crypto::CryptoChecksum | An interface for checksum methods |
base_crypto::CryptoChecksumMD5 | An MD5 checksum |
base_crypto::CryptoChecksumRIPEMD160 | A RIPEMD160 checksum |
base_crypto::CryptoChecksumSHA1 | An SHA1 checksum |
base_crypto::CryptoException | A cryptographic exception |
base_crypto::CryptoKeypair | An interface for public/private key pairs |
base_crypto::CryptoKeypairDSA | A public/private key pair using the RSA algorithm |
base_crypto::CryptoKeypairRSA | A public/private key pair using the RSA algorithm |
base::Daemon | Generic Daemon class |
base::DateTime | A class that holds a date and time |
deque | |
base::Dir | Directory functions (create, delete, read) |
base::DNS | DNS resolver library |
base::DynamicArray< T > | A dynamic array especially for simple types and pointers |
base::DynamicLibrary | Working with dynamic libraries, mostly resolving symbols |
base::Environment | Getting and setting environment variables |
base::Exception | Base exception |
base::FileBase | Base File I/O (open, close, read, write chown, chmod, unlink ...) |
base::FileT< sizeT, traits > | Template File functions |
base::Global | Global definitions |
base_http::HTTPClient | A http client |
base_http::HTTPPart | A part of a mime multipart HTTP request |
base_http::HTTPRequest | A http request |
base_http::HTTPResponse | A http response |
base_http::HTTPServer | A http server |
base::IntTraits< intT > | Integer traits |
base::IntTraits< char > | Integer traits for data type char |
base::IntTraits< int > | Integer traits for data type int |
base::IntTraits< long > | Integer traits for data type long |
base::IntTraits< longlong_t > | Integer traits for data type longlong_t |
base::IntTraits< short > | Integer traits for data type short |
base::IntTraits< u_longlong_t > | Integer traits for data type u_longlong_t |
base::IntTraits< unsigned char > | Integer traits for data type unsigned char |
base::IntTraits< unsigned int > | Integer traits for data type unsigned int |
base::IntTraits< unsigned long > | Integer traits for data type unsigned long |
base::IntTraits< unsigned short > | Integer traits for data type unsigned short |
base::IOException | Input/Output exception |
base::Config::Item | A Configuration Item |
base::Log | Log class |
base::MD5 | Contains methods for MD5-hashing from given input data |
base::MD5::md5_ctx | Structure to save state of computation between the single steps |
base::MemFile | A data store that keeps data in memory up to a certain limit, and switches to a temporary file if the limit is exceeded |
base::MemoryMappedFile | Memory-mapping files |
base::MIME | MIME encoding and decoding functions |
base::MTSocketDaemon | Multi-threaded socket daemon class |
base::Mutex | A mutex variable |
base::Pipe | Anonymous pipe for inter-process communication |
base::Process | Creating processes and executing programs |
base::Profiling | A profiling class that lets you save execution count and times for several tasks |
base::Random | A class that generates random numbers |
base::Regex | Regular expressions |
base::SharedLock | Shared lock, allows multiple readers but only one writer at a time |
base::SharedMemory | A class for operation on a (one) shared memory segment |
base::Signal | Global signal handling |
base::SizeTraits< sizeT > | Size traits |
base::SizeTraits< size_t > | Size traits for datatype size_t |
base::SizeTraits< u_longlong_t > | Size traits for datatype unsigned long long |
base_soap::SOAP | Soap inizialization and termination |
base_soap::SOAPAttachment | Soap attachment |
base_soap::SOAPException | SOAP exception |
base_soap::SOAPHTTPTransport | Soap transport service via http |
base_soap::SOAPInputCheck | Soap input check |
base_soap::SOAPMemFileInputSource | An input source for the xercesc parser that takes the xml document from a memory buffer or file |
base_soap::SOAPMemFileInputStream | An input stream for the xercesc parser that takes the xml document from a memory buffer or file |
base_soap::SOAPRequest | A soap request |
base_soap::SOAPResponse | A soap response |
base_soap::SOAPSerializer | This class serializes data types into a dom tree and vice versa |
base_soap::SOAPServers | Soap server list |
base_soap::SOAPStruct | A soap parameter of type structure, that contains other parameters as members |
base_soap::SOAPTranscoder | Provides character transcoding from and to the xercesc internal charset (which is UTF-16, the corresponding datatype is XMLCh) |
base_soap::SOAPTransport | General definition of a soap transport service |
base::Socket | A socket class for TCP/IP sockets |
base::StatBase | Provides information about a directory entry |
base::StatT< sizeT, traits > | Stat template for files (up to 4 GB) and large files (larger than 4 GB) |
base::STEventDaemon | Single-threaded event driven daemon class |
base::StringT< charT, traits > | A thread-safe string class |
base::SynchronizedSharedMemory | A class for synchronized operation on a (one) shared memory segment |
base::Thread | A thread class |
base::ThreadList | A list of threads |
base::Timer | A timer class that can be used to get high resolution time values and measure execution times |
base::Unicode | Unicode conversion functions |
base::URI | URI helper functions |
base::UTF8String | Helper functions for utf8-encoded strings |
base::WildcardT< charT, traits > | File name matching by wildcard |
base::WorkerThread | Worker thread for multi-threaded socket daemons |
base::WorkPile< T > | An FIFO workpile queue |
base::XML | XML helper functions |