This is the complete list of members for
base::Daemon, including all inherited members.
_cfg | base::Daemon | [protected] |
_cfgfile | base::Daemon | [protected] |
_fdreserve | base::Daemon | [protected] |
_foreground | base::Daemon | [protected] |
_laststatedump | base::Daemon | [protected] |
_log | base::Daemon | [protected] |
_logstderr | base::Daemon | [protected] |
_maxopenfiles | base::Daemon | [protected] |
_mutex | base::Mutex | [protected] |
_name | base::Daemon | [protected] |
_pid | base::Daemon | [protected] |
_pidfile | base::Daemon | [protected] |
_t_now | base::Daemon | [protected] |
_t_start | base::Daemon | [protected] |
_watcher | base::Daemon | [protected] |
config() | base::Daemon | [protected, virtual] |
createThreads(bool init) | base::Daemon | [protected, virtual] |
Daemon(const String &name) | base::Daemon | [protected] |
daemonize(bool createpid=true, bool exitparent=true) | base::Daemon | [protected] |
DISALLOW_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR_AND_ASSIGNMENT(Mutex) | base::Mutex | [protected] |
dropRootPrivileges() | base::Daemon | [protected] |
dumpState(bool force) | base::Daemon | [protected, virtual] |
getConfig() | base::Daemon | |
getForeground() const | base::Daemon | |
getGroupID() const | base::Daemon | [protected] |
getLog() | base::Daemon | |
getMutex() | base::Mutex | |
getName() const | base::Daemon | |
getPid() const | base::Daemon | |
getTime() const | base::Daemon | |
getUptime(String &s) | base::Daemon | |
getUserID() const | base::Daemon | [protected] |
handleArgument(int arg) | base::Daemon | [protected, virtual] |
hasExplicitUGID() const | base::Daemon | [protected] |
lock() | base::Mutex | |
log(Log::levels level, const char *func, const char *fmt,...) | base::Daemon | |
loop()=0 | base::Daemon | [protected, pure virtual] |
Mutex() | base::Mutex | |
needRootPrivileges() | base::Daemon | [protected, virtual] |
readArguments(int argc, const char **argv, const char *args="c:d:fhqsvVw") | base::Daemon | |
service(const char **argv) | base::Daemon | |
serviceMain() | base::Daemon | [protected] |
shutdown() | base::Daemon | [protected, virtual] |
startup() | base::Daemon | [protected, virtual] |
terminateThreads() | base::Daemon | [protected, virtual] |
unlock() | base::Mutex | |
usage(const char *pgm, bool err) const | base::Daemon | [protected, virtual] |
vlog(Log::levels level, const char *func, const char *fmt, va_list ap) | base::Daemon | [protected, virtual] |
~Daemon() | base::Daemon | [virtual] |
~Mutex() | base::Mutex | |